Cheese Pasta

🧀 Cheese pumping is still the only fun thing that has happened on this board in the last 6 months
🧀 Guys I had to ban this lady from my job after she got wasted and told me how much she loves cheese, then barricaded herself in the bathroom after she couldnt pay the tab. “I love Gouda, Brie, Mozzarella, all of it” VERBATIM.
🧀 Imagine, a cash back credit card that gives our clients cheese when they purchase Roth®️cheese at Trader Joes. It is cheese. We are in talks with one of your representatives to make a Cheese branded credit card to be used at select Trader Joes locations.
🧀 I have cheesed every last $CHEESE I had. Every cheese I owned is gone. I'm completely out of the cheese market, I can't take it anymore. The constant cheese racism, anti-cheese semitism, anti-cheese feminism, anti-cheese LGBTQI+ , aggressive cheesing, manipulation, everything is so cheesy. Cheese is over, I am out, I am very glad to cheese you, life has cheese, each is wonderful.
🧀 you can take the blue pill, work at mcdonalds, come home smelling like fries forever. or, take the cheese pill, and i show you how high the market cap goes.
🧀 cheese is the most dangerous substance on the planet. 100% of people that come in contact with it die
🧀 Hello. My son said he bought something called Cheese on my debit card. It shows up as Moon Pay? He directed me here - is this where I can request a refund?
🧀 right you want to start being a peice of cheese to me, I'll say what i want to say; this is exactly what I'm talking about, you're just a rat, which is why i didnt really bother reading what you have to say at first because it won't make sense, because it's coming from a place of Gruyère and cheesiness. It's not good for business that kind of attitude.
🧀 Reported. You need to understand cheese isn't just a meme. People have serious money on the line. This is the money that would fill their gas tank or buy their lunch. Cheese isn't just some kind of joke you can play around with. Cheese is how a mother can tell their kid their is dinner tonight, a father can tell his lawyer his child support payment is complete. Cheese is a way for the regular person to say NO inflation is NOT OK, I protect my family and future by buying $Cheese. So it might be some quick crypto play to you, Cheese is how thousands of people are going to bed tonight without fear of hunger tomorrow.
🧀 Lads. I think its time you learned something. A 72 pound wheel of cheese sold by Costo is worth $950 US buckaroos. One cheese token is worth $.005 as of this time. By my calculations, every single one of your cheese will 190,000x this cycle. Do what you wish with this information.
🧀 Cheese cheesed down to $400k cheese cap. Now you've been cheesed. Cheese like me are cheeses. We never cheese. I've been in this cheese since 2011 and have cheesed more cheese than this entire cheese combined.
🧀 Cheese cheesed down to $400k cheese cap. Now you've been cheesed. Cheese like me are cheeses. We never cheese. I've been in this cheese since 2011 and have cheesed more cheese than this entire cheese combined.
🧀 I cheese the cheeses who are behind the cheeses and cheese this cheese. I and the cheeses I cheese in this cheese cheese the cheeses and the cheeses. We cheese this cheese. Without cheeses like me, you wouldn't cheese any cheeses happen on any of your cheeses. So cheese up, cheeses. Cheese into a cheese like me with the big cheese and cheese. We are cheesing to $400k and maybe even down to $100k. You've been cheesed.
🧀 my son bought the community take it over bitcoin called "cheese" on my debit card and i demand a refund immediately
🧀 Good morning my sex